Gary Keller, Founder & Chairman of the Board
Dear Keller Williams’ Associates,
So what do you do when a shift happens? Two things:
1. Get out your calendar and ramp up your education.
Why? Several reasons:
a.) Because it is counter intuitive to what average people do. They cancel education because they think they’re saving money. They’ll pay for this more than they think. Want to show you’re different and think different? Ramp up your education.
b.) Because when the market shifts you have to reeducate yourself and others on what to say and do. Your messages and your actions must be rehabbed around the new market and that means discovering what others have learned works. I wonder how many actually know the five key steps to making short sales work? I wonder how many know the two best ways to go get reo listings? I wonder how many know the five key objections buyers are giving, and exactly how to overcome them? I wonder how many even know they don’t know, or that they should know?
Education is the key to knowing what to say and do when the market shifts.
c.) If you want to attract the best and brightest in the industry then simply provide more education. Top thinkers focus on educating themselves and those around them to outperform the competition. The right education is a magnet for top people. And guess what? We actually run a training company disguised as a real estate office.
2. Get back out your calendar and time block for lead generation.
It is essential for us all to time-block three hours a day and then when in a shift, add an hour at night. If i’ve had to do it – I suspect everyone does too. My wife commented late last year that she noticed I was working at night again and I told her she was right. In a shift we have no choice. (it’s 9:30 on a friday night and yes I’m writing this. get my point?)
Real estate is a contact sport. The one who makes the most contacts comes out on top.
Hope this is food for thought.